fatty liver grade 1

Fatty liver disease occurs when there is a buildup of fat in the liver because the body is unable to metabolise it effectively. It is categorised in 4 stages or grades and the severity increases with each stage.

Grade 1 fatty liver, also known as mild stenosis, is the initial stage that impacts your liver health and its functioning. While grade 1 fatty liver does not show viable symptoms, it is important to understand the causes and symptoms to get correct diagnosis and treatment as it can progress to grade 2 or grade 3 fatty live,r which increases the risk of liver failure.

What is Grade 1 fatty liver?

Grade 1 fatty liver means an accumulation of fat in the liver cells. It is the initial stage of Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and can be easily reversed.

Characteristics of Stage 1 fatty liver:

  • The early stage does not show any noticeable symptoms, however, it progresses to grade 2 and grade 3 quickly, so one needs to take preventive measures and treatment.
  • Minimal accumulation, typically 5-10 percent of fat in the liver cells.
  • No detection of inflammation or scarring on the liver.

Causes of Grade 1 fatty Liver 

The underlying  causes of grade 1 liver fat are as follows:

  • Obesity is one of the most common causes that leads to the collection of excessive fat and calories in the liver
  • Type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance, as high blood sugar or insulin levels promote fat storing in the liver.
  • High cholesterol and triglycerides levels
  • An unhealthy diet that includes fat, processed foods, and refined sugar.
  • Alcohol consumption and lack of physical activity lead to fat deposits in the liver
  • If you have a family history of fatty liver disease, you might be more susceptible to getting the disease.

Symptoms of Grade 1 fatty liver

While stage 1 fatty changes in the liver are not noticeable, you may have the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of discomfort, fullness, or pain in the upper right abdomen where the liver is located.
  • Fatigue or feeling of tiredness 
  • Mild swelling and enlargement of liver 
  • Elevated liver enzymes in blood tests.

Is Grade 1 fatty liver dangerous?

Grade 1 fatty liver is not usually harmful, and it can be reversed with certain adjustments in lifestyle and diet. 

If necessary steps are not taken, grade 1 liver fat becomes harmful. It quickly progresses to stage 2 and 3 fatty liver, which ultimately leads to liver cirrhosis or even liver failure.

Let us know about the different grades of fatty liver disease to understand its severity.

Features Grade 1 Fatty LiverGrade 2 Fatty LiverGrade 3 Fatty Liver
Fat Deposits Mild fat buildupModerate fat deposits with mild swelling Severe accumulation of fat with significant inflammation and cirrhosis 
Symptoms Usually asymptomatic or mild discomfort Fatigue, abdominal pain, bloating, etcSevere fatigue, nausea, burning eyes, and inflammation 
Liver Function Liver function remains normalMild dysfunction of liverLiver is not able to function normally 
Inflammation No significant inflammation Mild inflammation Severe inflammation 
Reversibility Easily reversible with lifestyle changes.It can be reversed with a strict diet and medications.Can not be reversed and can progress into liver cirrhosis 

When to See a Gastroenterologist in Delhi NCR? 

You should visit a Gastroenterology specialist in Gurgaon if you notice the following:

  • Hepatomegaly is sudden enlargement of the liver.
  • Persistent fatigue and weaknesses despite taking proper rest
  • Diffuse fatty infiltration, when fat accumulation levels go beyond normal.
  • Yellowing of skin or eyes
  • Rapid weight gain or weight loss
  • Constant nausea or vomiting 

Diagnosis of Grade 1 Fatty liver 

The liver specialist in Gurgaon will conduct the following tests:

  • Imaging tests like Ultrasound, CT Scan, or MRI detect grade of fatty liver infiltration.
  • Blood tests to detect the presence of elevated enzymes like ALT and AST, which indicate swelling.

Treatment of Grade 1 fatty liver 

Fatty Liver grade 1 treatment includes the combination of dietary and lifestyle changes.

By adopting the following measures, 1st and 2nd grade fatty liver is curable.

  • Managing blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and triglycerides levels.
  • Managing weight helps to decrease fat accumulation.
  • Regularly engaging in physical activities like yoga, jogging, or walking.
  • Avoid smoking, consuming alcohol, and using unnecessary drugs.
  • Rich balanced diet that includes whole grains, green vegetables, complex carbs, and lean proteins. 
  • Stay hydrated, as it helps to remove toxins from the liver.

How to treat a Grade 1 fatty liver?

A gastroenterologist in Delhi suggests that you can easily reverse initial stage fatty liver using home remedies. 

Fatty liver grade 1 home remedies include the following:

  • Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning helps to flush out toxins as it contains vitamin C and antioxidants
  • Turmeric milk helps to reduce fat deposits as it contains curcumin in turmeric, which has anti-inflammatory properties 
  • Indian gooseberries help to strengthen liver cells, break down fats, and improve metabolism.
  • Garlic is effective in reducing fat metabolism and managing cholesterol as it contains sulfur compounds.
  • Flaxseeds and chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that reduce swelling and promote detoxification.
  • Green tea and dandelion tea act as natural liver cleansers and help in reducing excessive fats.

Fatty liver of any grade is common among people of all ages and can be easily reversed if the correct measures are taken at the right time.

You should consult with a liver specialist in Gurgaon to avoid further progression. 

For Expert care, consultation with experienced doctors and comprehensive treatment lead to My Doctors Hub, which is one of the best clinic in Gurgaon and Dwarka. We offer advanced diagnostic facilities for early detection and personalized treatment and diet plans curated from top diet specialists are also available as per your needs.

Take a first step towards a healthy life by booking your consultation with us today!

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